Google Alert - Currency

As-it-happens update March 14, 2018
Viola Desmond will grace Canadian currency as the first woman in the country's history after being selected from more than 26,000 submissions to appear on the newest $10 bill. The civil rights pioneer, who died in 1965, first made history in 1946, when she refused to leave a whites-only section of a ...
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Delphi currency
The Formatting string may contain a mix of freeform text and control Delphi Basics: CurrencyDecimals Variable: Defines decimal digit count in the Format function: The currency string used in currency display functions: I think everyone who has ever programmed in Delphi at one time or another has ...
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Currency News
The yen plunged nearly a percent as political risk finally caught up with the Japanese currency. Against its other peers, the greenback was generally flat against the euro and sterling, and firmer versus counterparts from Canada and Australia. The yen succumbed to political uncertainty related to a land ...
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