It's Official At HP: Apotheker Is Out, Meg Whitman Named President ...

It's Official: Meg Whitman Named HP CEO; Apotheker Out - Kara ...
By Kara Swisher
It's Official: Meg Whitman Named HP CEO; Apotheker Out; Lane Is Exec Chairman. September 22, 2011 at 1:08 pm PT ... I believe HP matters –- it matters to Silicon Valley, California, the country and the world." Speaking on behalf of the board, ...
It's Official At HP: Apotheker Is Out, Meg Whitman Named President ...
By Matt Burns
This move is hardly unexpected as it was rumored extensively over the last week. Meg Whitman was previously the head of ebay and joined HP's board of directors in January 2011. She also sits on the boards of Procter & Gamble, Zipcar and ...
It's the Occupation, Stupid | Mother Jones
By Sandy Tolan
It's the show that time and the world forgot. It's called the Occupation and it's now in its 45th year. Playing on a landscape about the size of Delaware, it remains largely hidden from view, while Middle Eastern headlines from elsewhere seize ...
MoJo Articles | Mother Jones
HP's CEO revolving door will hurt it in the long run | VentureBeat
By Dean Takahashi
Hewlett-Packard has many advantages as the world's biggest technology company. But having a consistent CEO is not one of them. Today, the company announced that Meg Whitman will replace Léo Apotheker as CEO, giving the company ...
"Read" in Facebook - It's Not a Button, So Be Careful What You Click!
By Richard MacManus
While the focus of today's Facebook announcements was the new Timeline profile, the Read, Watch, Listen media sharing apps have generated a lot of interest too. These so-called "social apps" haven't been widely launched yet, but you can ...
Thomas Kelly Death: How Easy Will It Be To Get A Conviction?
By The Huffington Post News Editors
By THOMAS WATKINS, Associated Press LOS ANGELES (AP) -- A suspect pulls on a pair of rubber gloves, tells a mentally ill homeless man he's about to attack him, then initiates a beating that ends in the man's death.
The Full Feed from
Seth's Blog: Like you mean it
By Seth Godin
Sasha Dichter gives a tremendous talk that was just picked up at TED. Other than an insane amount of effort and practice, what's his secret? He's speaking his own story. Rather than following a map or parroting a line from...
Seth's Blog
It Is What It Is |
By Lisa Zimmerman
FLORHAM PARK–It's looking more and more like Nick Mangold's 82-game streak is about to come to an end. Mangold, who is still in a walking boot, did not practice again on Thursday and while he's improved a lot, he admitted that as with ...
It's My Sister's Birthday « Whatever
By John Scalzi
It's been hot as hell all summer, but today's only supposed to be 95 or so. Compared to 4 ... One metaphor I use in teaching them is that explaining to a candle how to burn has no effect; it can't light until another flame touches it. #13 by petec ...
OnStar Insists It's Not Spying as Privacy Concerns Mount
By Anita Lienert, Correspondent
OnStar is grappling with a major public relations crisis related to privacy concerns.
Inside Line Automotive News
small dead animals: It's Probably Nothing
By Kate
It's hard to see the trajectory improving anytime soon - the markets and govts around the world have to hit bottom before there is a recovery and the establishments resistance to letting that happen is only making it worse. I suspect that much of ...
small dead animals
We Did It! | Weddingbee
By Mrs. Macarons
The Macarons are finally married and it was absolutely wonderful! All my weather worries were for naught, the ceremony brought our guests to tears, and our.

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