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Venezuelan city launches own currency to combat inflation Venezuela's national currency, the bolivar, has plummeted in recent years amid a crippling economic crisis and prices double nearly every month. This makes basics such as food and medicine unaffordable and in short supply. On top of that, there are shortages of cash itself, making basic transactions ...
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What happened to Demonetised Rs 1000, Rs 500 currency notes? RBI has this to say "Old currency notes which include demonetised Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes are counted and processed in sophisticated currency verification and processing system. The notes processed are shredded and briquetted in the shredding and briquetting system installed in various RBI offices," the RBI said ...
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Global Currency Reserve (GCR) Price Reaches $0.0277 on Top Exchanges Global Currency Reserve logo Global Currency Reserve (CURRENCY:GCR) traded down 14.1% against the dollar during the 1 day period ending at 20:00 PM E.T. on February 23rd. Global Currency Reserve has a market cap of $2.88 million and approximately $17,323.00 worth of Global Currency ...
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CrowdCoin (CRC) Price Down 22.5% Over Last Week CrowdCoin logo CrowdCoin (CURRENCY:CRC) traded down 8.4% against the US dollar during the 24 hour period ending at 22:00 PM E.T. on March 17th. CrowdCoin has a total market capitalization of $1.25 million and $9,917.00 worth of CrowdCoin was traded on exchanges in the last 24 hours.
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Empty walls and big ambitions: Inside block.one, the $1.5 billion cryptocurrency startup taking ... Users could share posts and comment like normal, but they were paid in digital currency for the content they created. Steemit was populated with free content, users received digital currency for their time, and the digital currency became convertible to traditional dollars as it was bought and sold in online ...
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