Google Alert - Server

As-it-happens update April 25, 2018
The SP2 release is currently available through the Microsoft Download Center. The publish date is shown as April 9, so possibly it was available earlier than Tuesday. The release is packed with performance improvements, as well as diagnostic additions, and it includes all of the latest updates through ...
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Rainbow Six Siege is rolling out a whole bunch of additions and changes to the version of the game on its test server. Ubisoft announced it would be testing a new Pick and Ban system, along with implementing a series of tweaks, including ongoing changes to weapon recoil feedback and the addition of ...
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What if I told you there was a handy, web-based GUI you could use that would not only make editing your crontab easy, but would also allow you to work, via a web-browser from any machine on your network. In other words, all those GUI-less Linux servers can benefit from this as well. I'm going to walk ...
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ElDewrito lets you play multiplayer games in player-hosted servers, with multiple server browsers, player and emblem customisation, stat tracking and even ranked and social servers. The mod attracted a fair bit of attention from both the games press and fans who fancied giving a Halo 3-like multiplayer ...
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Try MariaDB Server 10.3 in Docker
There are times when you may want to test specific software or a specific version of software. In my case, I wanted to play with MariaDB Server 10.3.6 Release Candidate and some of the new, upcoming features. I didn't want to have a permanent installation of it on my laptop so I chose to put it in a ...
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