Google Alert - Currency

As-it-happens update December 31, 2017
U.S. citizen Thomas Costanzo has had a motion to suppress evidence denied in a bitcoin laundering case currently making its way through the United States District Court of Arizona. But the bigger-picture interest in this case lies in the court's de facto acknowledgement that bitcoins are a currency — a ...
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2018 will be a year fraught with celebrity scandal, economic upheaval and leaps forward in applied technology, if a Sydney-based entrepreneur is to be believed. Here are some of futurist Ross Dawson's top predictions. In 2018 we'll see further breakthroughs involving gene editing technology, as the ...
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The Bank of England has set up a research division looking at how it can get involved with digital currencies such as bitcoin and the technology behind them. It is exploring the possibility of launching its own digital currency linked to the rate of sterling, which reports suggest could get the go ahead this ...
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Ever since it became known in Egypt in August, the virtual currency stirred controversy over its legitimacy, since most of Egypt's 93 million people have no bank accounts. But even though electronic payments have grown in recent years, electronic banking in Egypt lacks regulations for digital currency.
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