Google Alert - Server

As-it-happens update October 11, 2017
The attack on the California community college's server potentially compromised 12,000 student Social Security numbers and the sensitive records of ...
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MPS is anticipated to benefit from improving penetration into new high-growth consumer markets - Automotive, Industrial, Server and Communications ...
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There's only one problem: OnePlus phones may be invading your privacy by sending revealing data back to Chinese servers, and while there's a fix, ...
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During the presidential campaign, Pence suggested that Hillary Clinton's use of a private server while secretary of State disqualified her from ...
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ClearPass Policy Server is down after the recent AV/AS update.
Aruba releases ClearPass posture and profile data updates online and ClearPass servers check for these updates on an hourly basis. Version ...
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Different credentials for desktop and server
After publishing this workbook I'd like the server to access the DB using different credentials. I know I can edit the datasource on server manually and ...
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